The George Family - Access Services

The George Family

george family smiling together

The George family received the best Christmas gift ever, two years in a row! In December 2020, Giovani was welcomed into their family and became their son. Then in December 2021, he was adopted and became a George officially!

Norma and Arnold George are an extraordinary couple with huge hearts. Their son had over 25 transitions in his life and wanted NOTHING more than to have a loving family. He found that in Norma and Arnold who loved him from day one.

“…I and Arnold love that boy so much! …He is just what Arnold and I needed…We are trying so hard not to spoil our baby. He deserves every goodness that comes his way…GOD MAKES no mistakes.” – Norma George

Erika Hill who worked as Giovani’s coordinator at Access Services had this to say.

“I had the opportunity to meet this young man during the month of September 2019. I was new to the agency, position as a coordinator and foster system, in general. Gio immediately captured my heart. His story and general outlook on life presented as invaluable lessons and template for the appropriate care and treatment of the children I was to serve. Giovanni’s struggles became my struggles as I wanted nothing more than to help him find the unconditional love of family and faith while finding comfort in his resource home. The George’s immediately made him feel wanted and safe. I do not believe words can express the gratitude and respect I have for the George’s and their commitment to Gio and our agency. This is a beautiful beginning for Gio and I wish him the whole world!”

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