Supported Living
An independent lifestyle
Empowering adults with developmental disabilities to unlock their potential and achieve their goals by providing a person-centered, goal driven approach that is unique to each individual’s specific needs.
PA Counties We Serve
With Supported Living
For adults with developmental
disabilities who are living independently

What is Supported Living?
We bring comprehensive knowledge and proven experience to providing a person-centered, goal driven approach that is unique to each individual’s specific needs.
For adults with developmental disabilities living independently in the community, our Supported Living program provides options.
Staff members will work to ensure the health, safety and community fellowship of the individual they are caring for using resources within their own community. We have been providing this model of care for over 20 years.
How does it work?
A person can receive supported living services through Access Services indefinitely, with the appropriate funding, as long as there is need for the support or until the individual served feels they have achieved their own personal goals with the program.
Call your county case management to begin the process. Or call us directly to discuss private pay options.
This unique program contains the perfect combination of chemistry, character and competence from experienced and specially trained staff partnered with the individuals we serve to focus one-to-one on their personal needs and goals.

How do you join?
Individuals are referred to the Supported Living program through the Office of Developmental Programs in your county. If you are interested in Supported Living, speak to your appointed Supports Coordinator about becoming involved. Supported Living is funded through the Home & Community Based Services Waiver Program.