Access Learning Academy Staff - Access Services

Access Learning Academy Team

Michelle Altringer, LPC

Director of Therapeutic Support

Michelle Altringer, LPC

Director of Therapeutic Support

Michelle has a Bachelor’s degree from West Chester University and a Master’s at Biblical Seminary. She has worked with the ALA since 2009.

Colette Bartok

Career and Transition Coach

Colette Bartok

Career and Transition Coach

Colette has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education at Kutztown University. She has worked with the ALA since 2006.

Rachel Craig

Special Education Paraeducator

Rachel Craig

Special Education Paraeducator

Rachel has an Associate’s degree from Montgomery County Community College. She has worked with the ALA since 2006.

Kevin Hanchick

Secondary Math Teacher

Kevin Hanchick

Secondary Math Teacher

Kevin has a Bachelor’s degree in Secondary Math from Alvernia University. He became a full time math teacher with us in 2011.

Alicia Kukoski

Director of Education

Alicia Kukoski

Director of Education

Alicia has an Elementary/Special Education (N-12) teaching degree from Temple University. She has worked for the ALA since 2007.

Andrea Thomas

Special Education Teacher

Andrea Thomas

Special Education Teacher

Andrea has a Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Ed. from Kutztown University and is a licensed Special Education teacher. She started in 2007.

Gretchen Wentling, LSW

Lead Counselor

Gretchen Wentling, LSW

Lead Counselor

Gretchen has a Master's Degree from Bryn Mawr College. She has been working for the ALA since 2014.

Michelle Brownlow

Art and Creative Writing Teacher

Michelle Brownlow

Art and Creative Writing Teacher

Michelle has a bachelor's degree in K-12 Art Education from Penn State University. She has worked at the ALA since Spring of 2023.

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