Hope 4 Tomorrow Assembly - Access Services

Hope 4 Tomorrow Assembly

Prevention. Connection. Support.

Training and equipping today’s youth to handle the stress, trauma, and pressures facing them.

Available in
Montgomery County

Assemblies can also be
scheduled in other counties


What is the Hope 4 Tomorrow Assembly?

This assembly is designed to educate students about mental health and suicide. While seeing real-life examples, students will have the opportunity to learn skills that bolster their wellness and empower them to ask for help for themselves or someone else. Students are engaged in interactive activities such as games, volunteer opportunities, and polls. The assembly will also provide resources available to students in the school and community.


The assembly strives to be flexible and accessible for all schools.


For a designated speaker, we ask that 1 hour and 30 minutes be allotted. This gives the speaker enough time to tell a robust story and include the interactive portion of the assembly. The assembly can also be delivered in a 45 minute to 1 hour window. This does not allow time for a designated speaker, but the assembly will still feature lived experiences and contain the interactive activities.


The Hope 4 Tomorrow Assembly does come with a cost. It is dependent on location of the school, with or without a speaker, and time. This cost will be determined individually with each school. H4T is committed to making this affordable for everyone.


Values and Outcomes for Students


Schools Can Expect

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