Collaborative Leadership - Access Services

Collaborative Leadership

Abington Police & Jess Mobile Crisis

It is with great excitement we share with you that we have named Jessica Fenchel as our Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. Jess has been at Access Services for over 10 years, during which she was key in the startup of innovative initiatives across multiple service spaces including crisis, forensics, schools, and homelessness. She believes that help should be helpful and that the people we serve deserve our best. Jess has led in partnership building to realize integration between behavioral health and physical health, driving solutions for vulnerable populations. Anyone can come up with ideas, it takes great partners to bring ideas to reality! Jess’ work to develop new models of partnership between law enforcement and crisis systems has led to overall reductions in arrests for those experiencing mental health crisis.

“The best part of my career has been here at Access Services.  Our community is special – full of our belief and investment in the people we serve. It’s a blessing for me to have this opportunity, and I am grateful for the chance to serve more broadly.”
Jess Fenchel, Senior Vice President & COO

As a company, Access Services embraced the concept of integrated health long before it had a formal name. Our mission from the beginning was to treat everyone we served with care and meet their unique needs as a person through connection to resources and closing gaps in systems. Jess is a champion for whole person care and challenges us all to develop integrated solutions that encourage collaboration across programs and communities through partnerships.  Jess actively invests in leadership development in our organization to help prepare and grow the leaders of the future.  Her own commitment to being trauma informed and valuing diversity has challenged us as an organization to continue to push forward in significant ways.

With the push for value-based care, our integrated health focus has grown. Now each of our behavioral health programs include integrated health initiatives around how they help assess risk, make referrals and build goals with those we serve. These solutions can be short or long-term given the needs of the individual and the program serving them. In some cases, the first touch point is with Mobile Crisis or Street Outreach. The needs will typically be more immediate and short-term. Our psych rehab programs, Starting Point and TIP, will generally work with those they serve for longer periods of times, connecting individuals to long-term physical care and community resources that support long-term recovery. We look forward to how we will continue to grow and adapt as a company to meet the needs of our community.

“As the Vice President of Behavioral Health (BH) for the last 6 years, Jess is well prepared to move into this position. Her commitment to our values, leadership development, ability to think strategically and execute with clarity make me and our leadership team excited about our future.”
Sue Steege, President & CEO

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