The Murphy Family - Access Services

The Murphy Family

murphy family with adopted daughters-lr

When someone chooses to pursue fostering, they are choosing to build a beautiful, unique family. Some people like Tessa & Aaron Murphy dream of providing a forever home to the children placed in their home.

In April of 2020, the Murphy’s were approved as foster parents through Access Services and opened their hearts to Savannah & Destiny. They immediately fell in love with the girls. The girls finally had their forever home, no more moving around.

Tessa & Aaron were given the gift and joy of becoming parents and having their names changed to Mom & Dad. The girls also had their names changed officially in August 2021 when the adoption was finalized. Now they are all Murphy’s!

It has been an honor and privilege to work with Tess, Aaron, Savannah & Destiny. Even through the Covid-19 pandemic and online schooling coinciding with the opening of their own gymnastics’ gym, they have handled it all with grace and ease. We thank you so much for allowing us to be a part of your journey in finding your forever family!

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