Who We Are | Access Services

Why Access?

Who we are.

For 45 years, Access Services has been proudly challenging the status quo and filling the gaps for those in our community who are often overlooked.

We believe strongly that people have the strength to heal and grow when provided with the support they need. We look at the community around us and ask, “How can I help my neighbors?” This is what drives us as a company.

When you choose Access Services, you can rest assured that you will be treated with respect and dignity, you will be heard and actively part of the decisions made in our support of you or your loved one.

a woman who works with access services smiling with a man who has an intellecutal disability

Our Culture

a group of people standing in a line and smiling

We are diverse.

Our organization has grown into a large diverse group of people united by the desire to help others. Our differences allow us to see things from unique perspectives and backgrounds. It makes us stronger and more innovative.

We encourage growth.

We want to see people have the opportunity to reach their full potential, that includes the individuals we serve, our staff, our leadership. At Access Services, everyone is encouraged and supported to pursue their own wellness. It makes us resilient and builds our capacity to serve.

We encourage feedback and ideas for improvement. It helps us grow and not stagnate as an organization.

high school teens hanging out and talking with friends outside their high school

We innovate.

We work hard to live our values in everything that we do. We are not perfect. In recognizing our imperfections, we hope to create an environment of personal growth and reflection that will take us to the next level as a company and innovator in the human services field.

Our Mission

To empower and serve people in need of specialized supports by providing innovative services that improve their ability to live fulfilling lives in the community.

Our Values


Take pride in everything that is fair, honest and knowledgeable. Build trust in every situation.


Create vision, inspire others and advance the priorities and mission of the organization.

Innovation & Change

Encourage innovation, adapt to change and be willing to take risks.

Commitment & Determination

Keep pursuing our goals especially when experiencing adversity.

Passion for Service

Show love and compassion for the people we serve and rejoice when their needs are met.


Cooperate and work together for the common good of the people we serve and the organization’s mission.


Be known for follow-through and responsiveness to our customer’s needs and achieve agreed upon outcomes.


Strive for quality in everything we do.


Use all resources efficiently and effectively in order to further the organization’s mission to serve people.

Open Communication

Encourage directness, candor and diversity so that people and ideas thrive.


Thirst for knowledge and self-improvement and demonstrate the skills needed to accomplish a chosen task.

Love for Each Other

"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no records of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails."
- 1 Corinthians 13:4-8

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