Intensive Behavioral Health Services (IBHS) - Access Services

Servicios intensivos de salud del comportamiento

Llevando la terapia a ti

IBHS brinda servicios a niños menores de 21 años en su hogar, escuela o comunidad”.

Condados de Pensilvania
Servir con IBHS

Para niños menores de 21 años

¿Qué hace que nuestro programa sea único?

Lo que ofrecemos

Escuche la historia de Kathleen sobre el "Día D"

Calendario de Observación de Diagnóstico de Autismo (ADOS)

Gaining access to testing quickly is critical to receiving the appropriate supports for your child. Time is precious as you wait for insurance approval for testing. We are here to help you close this gap and shorten the wait time!

We are pleased to offer a private pay option for the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS). ADOS is developmental testing used as part of the diagnostic process for children and adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). Our licensed clinicians and BCBA’s assess using ADOS-II.

Después de recibir la prueba, se le proporcionará un informe completo para compartir con el médico de su elección.

Lo que cree nuestro personal

We view behavior as communication. This allows us to teach new skills which are more readily accepted by others. That in turn allows the person to access social interaction and have their needs met. The reduction in challenging behaviors gives the family and the person greater satisfaction because they don't have to revert to old patterns in order to be heard and seen.

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